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Palm ICD 1.1

Palm ICD 1.1

Palm ICD Publisher's Description

1. Search over 10000 diagnosis codes(ICD). ICD is compatible with ICD-9.

2 modify ICD code and name.

3 add your description and memo

4 add and modify new ICD codes

5 superbill function - view the codes you used frequently only

For more information, please visit


1. New ICD-9(2002) CPT2002 database

2. Support multi-keywords when search by full name.Keywords must be separated by a space. For example, you want to search all records which include 'foot' and 'pain', you can input 'foot pain' or 'pain foot' in the keyword filed. And they will return the same result set.

3. New search engine geatly improve search speed. 3-4 times faster than v1.0

4. Support on-line registration. When you purchase it. you can get your register code online at

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